Legally reviewed by:
Setareh Law
August 25, 2024

When you hit the road in California, you encounter a wide range of weather conditions that can impact your driving experience. From sunny days to heavy rain, fog, and even snow in some parts of the state, the weather can pose significant challenges for truck drivers.

At Setareh Law, we understand the importance of staying informed and prepared for any weather-related hazards you may encounter while driving. We have seen the devastating consequences of crashes caused by inclement weather. That’s why we believe it is crucial for all drivers, including truckers, to be aware of how the weather can impact their safety on the road.

What Kind of Weather Can Contribute to Truck Accidents?

There are many types of weather conditions that may contribute to a truck accident, including:

Slippery Road Conditions

One of the most common weather-related factors that contribute to truck accidents is slippery road conditions. When it rains or snows, the roads can become slick, making it harder for trucks to stop or maneuver effectively. This increases the risk of rear-end collisions, jackknifing, or even rollover accidents.

Reduced Visibility

Another weather-related factor that can lead to truck accidents is reduced visibility. Fog, heavy rain, or snow showers can significantly impair your ability to see other vehicles, road signs, or obstacles on the road. This can increase the likelihood of sideswipe collisions, running off the road, or hitting stationary objects.

Strong Winds

Strong winds can also pose a threat to truck drivers, especially when traveling on open highways or bridges. Crosswinds can cause a truck to sway or even tip over, endangering both the driver and other road users. If you are driving in windy conditions, reduce your speed, grip the steering wheel firmly, and be prepared for sudden gusts that may affect your vehicle’s stability.

What Are Federal Trucking Regulations?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has established regulations to address safety concerns related to weather conditions and truck operations. These regulations require truck drivers to exercise caution and adapt their driving behavior to ensure the safety of themselves and others on the road. Violating these regulations can result in serious consequences, including fines, license suspension, or even legal action.

Some bad weather-related rules under the FMCSA regulations include: 

  • Drivers can drive two extra hours beyond the standard hours-of-service regulations if the driver encounters adverse driving conditions (49 CFR Part 395)
  • Adverse driving conditions could not have been reasonably known prior to starting the trip, so if a driver knowingly drives in bad weather, this exception may not apply

If you have questions about how federal regulations apply to your truck accident case, it is a good idea to speak with your attorney.

Common Trucking Accidents in Bad Weather

Driving a commercial truck comes with its own set of challenges, especially when faced with inclement weather conditions. One of the most common trucking accidents in bad weather is jackknifing. This occurs when the truck’s cab and trailer lose synchronization, often causing the trailer to swing outward. Another prevalent accident is hydroplaning, where the tires lose traction on wet roads, leading to a loss of control. Poor visibility due to rain, fog, or snow can result in rear-end collisions or run-off-road accidents.

Crosswinds can pose a significant threat to truck drivers, especially on highways and open roads. High winds can destabilize a truck, making it challenging to stay within the lane. In extreme cases, strong gusts of wind can even cause a truck to tip over, leading to serious accidents.

Contact Setareh Law and Our Truck Accident Lawyers Today

By being aware of how weather conditions can contribute to truck accidents, you can take proactive measures to protect yourself and others on the road. Remember that a little caution can go a long way in preventing accidents caused by inclement weather. 

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident, even in bad weather, you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries and losses. Schedule a consultation with Setareh Law by calling (310) 659-1826 or filling out our contact form. Our team is available to answer your questions and help you evaluate your next steps.