Legally reviewed by:
Setareh Law
September 13, 2024

No one anticipates being charged by a dog while having a peaceful stroll or run in their local California neighborhood. In a flash, you may be on the ground, in pain, and unsure of what to do next. Questions may soon flood your mind, like “Who will pay for the medical bills? What if the dog’s owner refuses to take responsibility?” These are typical concerns for anyone who has experienced a dog bite. The good news is that homeowners’ insurance often provides coverage for such incidents, but understanding the specifics of that coverage can be confusing.

At Setareh Law, we recognize that dealing with the physical and emotional pain of a dog bite can be incredibly challenging. Our legal team based in California is here to clarify any confusion, assist with filing a claim, and help you obtain the payment you deserve.

Does Homeowners’ Insurance Cover Dog Bites in California?

California law holds dog owners strictly responsible for any injuries their dog causes, as outlined in Civil Code Section 3342, even if the dog has no prior record of aggressive behavior. Homeowners’ insurance in California usually includes coverage for dog bites, but there are important details to consider.

First, not all policies automatically cover dog bites. Some require homeowners to opt into specific pet liability coverage, often in the form of an additional rider or endorsement. Some insurance companies may also impose breed restrictions, excluding coverage for bites by dogs they deem high-risk.

It’s important to check the dog owner’s policy specifics to determine if coverage is available. If the policy does cover dog bites, it will generally pay for the victim’s medical costs and other losses up to the policy limits, which often range from $100,000 to $300,000. However, if the dog owner’s policy excludes coverage for dog bites or the breed of the dog involved, seeking compensation might require alternative legal strategies, which a skilled dog bite attorney can help navigate.

Filing a Homeowners’ Insurance Claim After a Dog Bite

If a dog has bitten you and you need to file a homeowners’ insurance claim, acting quickly and carefully is essential. Start by contacting the dog owner’s insurance company to report the incident and begin the claims process. When speaking with the adjuster, be sure to keep your statements brief and factual to avoid any admission of fault.

While the insurance company’s goal is to settle the claim, their priority is often to minimize payouts. For this reason, it’s wise to consult with a dog bite attorney before agreeing to any settlement. An experienced lawyer can evaluate the fairness of the offer and negotiate on your behalf to make certain you receive adequate compensation for your injuries and any future medical needs that may arise.

Discuss Your Case with a Knowledgeable California Dog Bite Lawyer

Recovering from a dog bite injury can be daunting, particularly when facing insurance companies that might attempt to reduce your compensation. It’s critical to have a skilled dog bite lawyer who can assess your case and negotiate with the insurance providers to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

At Setareh Law, we are committed to helping dog bite victims across California pursue justice and recover full compensation for their injuries. We take a client-focused approach, ensuring you feel supported and informed at every stage of your case. Discuss your case with one of our dedicated dog bite attorneys with over a decade of experience, and call (310) 659-1826 or complete our contact form to schedule a free consultation.